
Kashkaval Process Tank

Kashar Cheese is a variety of cheese similar to cheddar, and it is crafted using either sheep’s milk or cow’s milk. The Kashar Processing Tank is a specialized piece of equipment employed in the production of this particular cheese type.

Capacity: 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 8000 LT / 10.000 and 11.000 LT

This tank, typically constructed from stainless steel, serves as a container and processing apparatus for the milk utilized in making cheddar cheese. The tank’s primary functions include heating the milk to a specific temperature, introducing rennet and other enzymes to coagulate the milk and form curds. Furthermore, it can be used to mix the milk and maintain a consistent temperature throughout the cheese-making process.

Certain Cheese Process Tanks are versatile, allowing them to be utilized across multiple phases of cheese production, ranging from milk heating to curd straining. Conversely, others are designed for specific stages of the process, such as heating or coagulation.

In addition to these functions, some Kashkaval Process Tanks are equipped with temperature control and monitoring systems. They also feature agitators for effectively mixing milk and curds, along with other elements that contribute to ensuring consistent quality and efficient cheese production.