
Milk Transportation Tank


These tanks are designated as non-self-cooling vessels, primarily serving the purpose of transporting milk from farms or milk collection centers to milk processing facilities.

The rationale behind their lack of a cooling system lies in the intended function of milk transfer tanks, which is exclusively to transport milk from one location to another. This milk is typically pre-cooled before transportation from farms or collection centers. Using a milk transport tank for extended periods without prior cooling significantly heightens the risk of milk deterioration.

SPIEC milk transfer tanks feature high-quality heat insulation materials, effectively preventing heat transfer through the tank walls. These insulated transport tanks can maintain the temperature of the chilled milk for extended durations without any alterations in its composition.

It is widely acknowledged that the majority of milk undergoes collection and delivery to processing plants rather than immediate processing after milking. Under these circumstances, the effectiveness of the milk transport tanks’ insulation system becomes crucial, as a robust insulation system safeguards against milk spoilage.

Milk Transport Tank Capacity

500 Lt, 1000 Lt, 1500 Lt, 2000 Lt, 3000 Lt, 4000 Lt, 5000 Lt